Aftercare: Taking a Next Step with Clients

Aftercare is defined as “subsequent care or maintenance.” When I had surgery several years ago, part of my recovery included aftercare. It involved a visiting nurse coming every couple of days to check in and perform any procedures that needed to be done. This got me thinking: Why don’t speakers offer the same thing?

I define aftercare as a follow-up service that helps the client accomplish more than could possibly be done in a single speech. After your program, make a follow up “thank you call” (See Book More Business: MAKE MONEY SPEAKING Chapter 47) within 48 hours of the event, and look for ways to take a “next step” with the client.

I did this very thing when I was doing sales programs, and an interesting thing happened. Several times I made more on the aftercare than I did doing the speech! In fact, many times the speech was more like a paid showcase!

Consider this: After bringing me in to do a sales program I would call and say to the decision-maker, “Do you think it would make sense for me to work with your sales managers to make sure they’re applying my content?” Think about it! It’s a hard “no.” It’s hard to say, “No, thanks. After spending thousands for your program, we don’t care if the new ideas are implemented.” I want it to be hard to give an immediate “no.”

(Note that aftercare can apply to any topic. If you present on leadership, your work would be done with members of the management team.)

When I approached clients after my sales presentations, I typically offered three options. 30, 60, or 90 days. Options I offered were weekly sales meetings, coaching individuals, email responsiveness and more.

Aftercare can be a great addition to your bottom line. One of the most terrific benefits is that you become a resource for your client rather than a mere speaker!

What services could you offer on your list of aftercare services?

Copyright 2022, Lois Creamer, Book More Business. Lois works with professional speakers who want to book more business, make more money and fully monetize their intellectual property.


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Check out Lois’ book – Book More Business: MAKE MONEY SPEAKING as well as The Speaker Author: Sell More Books and Book More Speeches available on Amazon!