Do You Suffer From a Lack of Leverage?

Last year I was a guest on a teleseminar with the fantastic Patricia Fripp. Never one to shy away from a difficult question, she asked: “What is the biggest mistake speakers make?”

The answer was clear to me. No matter where you are in your journey as a speaker – from beginner to veteran – the biggest mistake I see is a lack of leverage. By that I mean, looking at every speaking engagement you have and asking yourself how you can use this success to get more opportunities.

Ask yourself:

  • Who are the client’s customers?
  • Who are their suppliers?
  • Are they a member of an association or trade group?
  • Who do they know who could use my services (and pay)?
  • Where would a testimonial from this client have an impact?

You may think this is obvious, I’m telling you it isn’t!

A great way to have a conversation with your client about this is by doing a follow-up call after your speech. The conversation could go something like this:

“I’m calling to say thanks again for bringing me in to speak to your group. I had a great time and wanted to make sure the feedback continued to be as positive as what I heard at the event. If you could put some of that feedback on your letterhead as a testimonial I would sure appreciate it! If you prefer to do a testimonial on LinkedIn that would be fine too.  I really enjoy working in your industry and would love to seek out more opportunities. May I ask a few questions? “(See above list!)

This approach allows you to warm up cold calls! By referring to your happy client, you’ve created a touch point for the prospect.

So keep in mind the “L” word and leverage your way to more success!

Lois works with professional speakers who want to book more business, make more money and avoid costly mistakes! She can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 314.822.8225
Twitter: @loiscreamer
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