A Simple Formula for a Successful Speaking Business!

One of my heroes in the speaking business is Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE. I first met her in 1994 and have had the pleasure of hearing her speak several times over the years. I had to the joy of seeing her in July as she was the opening keynote speaker at the National Speakers Association convention. What she said in that program changed everything for me.

Simply being able to see Glenna on the platform is a teachable moment! She has such warmth, such connection, such authenticity. But she shared a formula she has used for years and it really hit home with me. She gave me permission to share it with you. It’s a formula for creating and organizing a speech. Here it is!

P = Point
S = Story
A = Application

Simple isn’t it? What point are you making? Spell it out. Story. Tell me a story that illustrates the point you are making. Make the story one that is meaningful to your audience. Even better, make it a personal story so they can relate to you. Finally, application. How does this point and story apply to me, the audience member? Simple formula, awesome result!

It really makes sense doesn’t it? Point, story and application! Another great thing about this formula is that it is easy to listen to and follow if you are an audience member. That should always be a goal as a speaker.

The thing that I have discovered since becoming a fan of the formula is that it can be used when writing too.

There you have it! Three simple steps to a successful speech, a successful business. And thanks again to Glenna for allowing me to share this with you. Hint – if you ever get the chance to see her on the platform, run, don’t walk! You won’t be disappointed!

Copyright 2012, Lois Creamer. Lois Creamer works with professional speakers who want to book more business, make more money and avoid costly mistakes! She can be reached in the following ways:

Twitter: @loiscreamer
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BookMoreBusiness
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/loiscreamer
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