Lois Creamer Blog
Meetings Update – April, 2023
AAE Speakers Bureau released their 2023 Speaking Industry Benchmark Report. I’ve pulled out highlights for you but link to the full report will be at the end of my post. Also note, I’ve included my thoughts along the way. Topics event strategists are prioritizing the...
Handle Client Discount Requests with Ease: 5 Tips & Tricks
No one likes having to negotiate a lower price. When it comes to showcasing the value of your services or products, you are often put in a situation where it’s up to you to make a compelling argument for why your fees are set at their current rate - and not cut down....
Writing Blogs with AI
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to become more pervasive in our lives, it is important for us as content creators and bloggers to take the necessary precautions when using AI in our work. Here are some things to consider. Make sure you thoroughly research...
Industry Update – February 2023
I read a great article from SpecialEvents.com on meetings on corporate events. In essence, they find that in these post-pandemic times, there is an incredible demand for in-person meeting. They cite “virtual fatigue”, and I think we all understand that very well....
Meetings Outlook – 2022-23
Covid may seem in the rear view mirror, but it’s still around. Many are worried about the economy. We’d be foolish to ignore inflation and recession. However, we’ve lived through, and survived covid, recessions and inflation before, and we’ll do it again. According to...
Meeting Industry Outlook – November 2022
The good news in the meetings industry continues. Knowland, meetings market intelligence gatherer, reports the US meetings and events industry has achieved an 80% (!) recovery for the fifth month in row. Further, they predict 2023 to be even bigger. The Top Five...
Aftercare: Taking a Next Step with Clients
Aftercare is defined as “subsequent care or maintenance.” When I had surgery several years ago, part of my recovery included aftercare. It involved a visiting nurse coming every couple of days to check in and perform any procedures that needed to be done. This got me...
Meetings Outlook for 2023
Good news for speakers! Andrea Doyle of Skift meetings gives an optimistic report on the meetings industry. Her optimism is tempered by the following real time concerns. Inflation and supply chain issues Staffing concerns at venues Geopolitical unrest Despite the...
Revisiting My “10 Questions to Book More Business”
It's been a while since I've shared my "10 Questions to Book More Business" blog post, and I thought it was time to revisit it. These questions are designed to help you qualify prospects and determine whether the two of you would be a good fit for working together....