How to Create Additional Revenue Streams Now

You know from earlier posts that I consider you to be much more than a speaker. I consider you to be in the intellectual property business. Meaning, we get paid when we deliver (in whatever way) what it is that we know.  It’s all about delivering your expertise....

Important: Position Your Business for Success

I think the most important thing you can do for your speaking/consulting business, or any business for that matter, is to position it well. And in doing so, you must be able to answer the question, “why hire me instead of someone else”? My approach with my clients has...

Welcome to Book More Business

Welcome to Book More Business … the blog! This is not my first time around the block. No indeed. I created a blog several years ago. Was disappointing. Why? No one ever READ it! Bummer. Why did no one read it? Was it because it lacked content? No. Was it because...