by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
You’re going to love 2024! The outlook for our industry continues to be optimistic. Summarizing reports from Northstar Meetings Group, AMX meetings, and Knowland: American Express Global Business Travel reports 82 percent of respondents to their survey are optimistic...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
The big winner location-wise in the meetings industry is Nashville. Events grew an incredible 30% in September, with Los Angeles/Long Beach coming in at 22% over last year. According to Knowland, an event intelligence group, Oahu, Las Vegas, and Denver rounded out the...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
The business of speaking is a lot like acting. A lot of rejection. It takes many “no’s” to get to a “yes.” That’s the norm in speaking. I tell new speakers to be prepared for a first year that may look like this: “Be prepared to spend 98% of your time selling yourself...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Consider these remarkable statistics gleaned from MeetingsNet. • In just 12 months, the median number of room nights booked for meetings and incentives by MeetingsNet’s top 25 companies increased fivefold. • The median staff size for these companies grew from 95...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog
There is an interesting article (via MeetingsNet, link below) on Force-Majeure and meeting planners. Thinking about speakers and this subject is interesting with COVID in the rearview mirror. (Hopefully.) I don’t remember hearing much about Force Majeure before COVID....
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
If you speak about change, leadership, or team building, there are many opportunities you may not have considered a fit for your business. I posted a while ago bout a pharmaceutical company merging with another. Anytime you see two companies merging (and it’s...