by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Aftercare is defined as “subsequent care or maintenance.” When I had surgery several years ago, part of my recovery included aftercare. It involved a visiting nurse coming every couple of days to check in and perform any procedures that needed to be done. This got me...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Good news for speakers! Andrea Doyle of Skift meetings gives an optimistic report on the meetings industry. Her optimism is tempered by the following real time concerns. Inflation and supply chain issues Staffing concerns at venues Geopolitical unrest Despite the...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Let’s talk about money … and you. Often, I hear this from speakers: “I’m uncomfortable talking about myself”. “I’m uncomfortable talking about money.” My reply? In the first instance, that’s okay. You really shouldn’t be talking about yourself. You should be talking...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
The meetings industry continues to rebound. Inflation isn’t running away, airfares are down, gas prices are down. All signs of good health. Generally, the comeback we are experiencing is a more sustainable pace than the last 30 months according to MPI. Knowland...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Good news for our meetings industry. Optimism reigns, and some industry experts believe meetings levels with be at pre-pandemic levels in 2023. We’ve come a long way baby! In fact, Knowland (Knowland, U.S. and Top 25 Markets Meetings Recovery Forecast | Q2 2022...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
5 Reasons Why Your Clients Ask for Discounts and How to Handle Them When speaking with clients and prospects, it’s important to be able to articulate your value and why your fees are set at a certain price point. If you’re able to do this effectively,...