by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Here are some Preview Video tips to keep in mind. Lighting and sound quality is important. Strong opening includes introducing yourself with a great positioning statement. It puts what follows into context. See...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
As we move into a new year, we are experiencing a familiar feeling. A sense that we don’t quite know what to expect. We never could have anticipated 2020 or 2021. In fact, perhaps what we have learned is, that in a strange way, it’s okay not to be able anticipate....
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog
Pay close attention .. you may just see your name. As we round out 2021, it’s time for me to think about who I’d nominate for “person of the year”. It’s for people who have struggled the last two years, yet they survive. It’s for...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
As a professional speaker, you must protect your intellectual property. Most times you are asked to do a virtual or hybrid event, you should assume it’s being recorded on client servers if that’s the plan. Great to have presentation recorded on your own...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
I was watching Brian Stelter on “Reliable Sources”, a show I enjoy. Brian recently released his latest book. He mentioned this and then he said … “The first 100 who email me today will get sent a signed bookplate to put in your book.” Genius! For...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog
Okay folks .. keep it moving. In March when we were first dealing with cancellations and stay-at-home orders I said, “Its time to serve, not sell.” Well, that’s over. It’s time to sell! Though the meetings (in-person) industry is suffering, there has never been a time...