Preview Video Tips

Here are some Preview Video tips to keep in mind. Lighting and sound quality is important. Strong opening includes introducing yourself with a great positioning statement. It puts what follows into context. See...

Creating Your Own Circumstances

As we move into a new year, we are experiencing a familiar feeling. A sense that we don’t quite know what to expect. We never could have anticipated 2020 or 2021.  In fact, perhaps what we have learned is, that in a strange way, it’s okay not to be able anticipate....
Protect Your Intellectual Property!

Protect Your Intellectual Property!

As a professional speaker, you must protect your intellectual property. Most times you are asked to do a virtual or hybrid event, you should assume it’s being recorded on client servers if that’s the plan. Great to have presentation recorded on your own...

Selling Books: A New Idea

I was watching Brian Stelter on “Reliable Sources”, a show I enjoy. Brian recently released his latest book. He mentioned this and then he said …   “The first 100 who email me today will get sent a signed bookplate to put in your book.”   Genius! For...

Keep Moving On!

Okay folks .. keep it moving. In March when we were first dealing with cancellations and stay-at-home orders I said, “Its time to serve, not sell.” Well, that’s over. It’s time to sell! Though the meetings (in-person) industry is suffering, there has never been a time...