by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak
The speaking industry, like others, is facing constant change. How you as a speaker can adapt to that change will dictate your success. Here are some things to think about. The Events Industry Council, Washington, D.C., has released the preliminary results from its...
by Lois Creamer | Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak
The speaking industry, like others, is facing constant change. How you as a speaker can adapt to that change will dictate your success. Here are some things to be aware of. The Events Industry Council, Washington, D.C., has released the preliminary results from its...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Positioning Statements for Professional Speakers, Speakers Should Write, Successful Speakers Sell Products, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak, Working with a Speaker Bureau
“If you asked me to name the one person who could help you build a speaking business, only one person would come to mind, and that is Lois Creamer.” – Shep Hyken. CSP, CPAE This book is about the business of speaking. Specifically, it’s for those who are PAID...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog
The phone rang at 8:01 AM in my office a few months ago. A very familiar voice said, “It’s time”. I knew what she was talking about since we had been discussing the pros and cons of adding a staff person to assist her in her small business. I’m...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Successful Speakers Sell Products
When I had surgery several years ago, part of my recovery included aftercare. It involved a visiting nurse coming every couple of days to check in and perform any procedures that needed to be done. It got me thinking .. Why don’t speakers offer the same thing?...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Positioning Statements for Professional Speakers, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak
I’m flattered that Henry DeVries of featured me in the following article. Hope you find it helpful and here is the link to the original article: — If you want to be a professional speaker you need to master the...