“If I could do that, what else of value could you offer me?”

“The Great Recession was an event masquerading as a trend.” T. Scott Gross Scott Gross is a thought-leader. You probably have heard of Scott. He wrote the terrific book on customer service, “Positively Outrageous Service”. He really has his finger on the pulse of...

Do You Want to Know Why I Turned Down a New York Publishing House

Writing a book is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. When I started my business I created a manual. I pulled it a few years ago because it was out of date. I spoke at the NSA 2011 convention in Anaheim. Great group! Talked to lots of people after the...

How to Create Additional Revenue Streams Now

You know from earlier posts that I consider you to be much more than a speaker. I consider you to be in the intellectual property business. Meaning, we get paid when we deliver (in whatever way) what it is that we know.  It’s all about delivering your expertise....