by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing
No one likes having to negotiate a lower price. When it comes to showcasing the value of your services or products, you are often put in a situation where it’s up to you to make a compelling argument for why your fees are set at their current rate – and not cut...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing
It’s been a while since I’ve shared my “10 Questions to Book More Business” blog post, and I thought it was time to revisit it. These questions are designed to help you qualify prospects and determine whether the two of you would be a good fit...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing
I want to talk about money … and you. Often, I hear this from speakers: “I’m uncomfortable talking about myself”. “I’m uncomfortable talking about money.” My reply? For the first example, that’s okay. You really shouldn’t be talking about yourself. You should be...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog
Pay close attention .. you may just see your name. As we round out 2021, it’s time for me to think about who I’d nominate for “person of the year”. It’s for people who have struggled the last two years, yet they survive. It’s for...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing
I can hear you saying … “but it’s the holiday season. No one wants to buy our speaking services during November and December.” Au contraire my friends! There may be no better time than now to reach decision makers. Many are taking time off, answering their own phones,...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing
[FREE] Gina Carr and I are holding a “Clarity to Cash Challenge” next week beginning Monday, May 17. Ready to get clear on your unique offering to people that are hungry for your service and eager to pay you to help them solve their problems? Then you’re our kind of...