by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
I did a post a while ago about money and it’s time to do another, more up to date post. I hear so many times when I talk to speakers the following, “I hate to talk about money!” My reply (and I’m only half-kidding), “Then you better get a different...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Positioning Statements for Professional Speakers, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
I get asked a lot about one-sheets. Usually, the question is “Aren’t they passé?” My reply is “You only need one if you want to work.” I’m very serious about one-sheets and you should be too. They are still your primary marketing piece that can...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
These terms are tossed around all of the time in the speaking business. Interesting thing is, there is not a single definition for any of them. Some consider a keynote to be 45 minutes, some 90. Some call a workshop a half-day affair while others may call that a...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
If you speak on the subject of change, leadership or teambuilding, there are all sorts of opportunities you may not have considered as a fit for your business. I tweeted this week about a pharmaceutical company merging with another. Anytime you see two companies...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog
“I can sell anything to anyone, but I am just uncomfortable and find it hard to sell myself!” My initial response? Get into another line of work. And I’m only half kidding. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m merely a realist. In order to get speaking gigs, you are the one...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Speakers Should Write, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
I remember a few short years ago telling a colleague “I hate Twitter. No offense, but I don’t care where you went for lunch!” Now you hear me say, “I love Twitter!” Why? Because I’ve gotten business directly from Twitter and you can too! I’m not here to say that...