by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
Being a generalist used to be a great thing! In fact, many newer speakers still think it’s a great thing. I hate to report the bad news, but that ship has sailed. The market is now seeking out experts. Speakers and consultants who go deep into one particular area...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak, Working with a Speaker Bureau |
Wish I had a buck for every time I have seen this request on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Also, this is the most common question I’m asked when with speakers. My reply is, “Of course you do!” It’s just not that easy. There are very few agents working with speakers...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Speakers Should Write |
I tell a story about quotes often when visiting chapters. I realized I never have written a post about it and decided it would be worthwhile to do so. Here goes my “quote story”. I started capturing email addresses on my website when I started sending out “Book More...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak
My readers know that I am a big believer in target marketing. It only makes sense. You gain momentum to your marketing efforts when you work within a target industry and market. In order to be relevant in your industry, I believe you must do some “market...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, Successful Speakers Sell Products, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
“I can sell anything to anyone, but I am just uncomfortable and find it hard to sell myself!” My initial response? Get into another line of work. And I’m only half kidding. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m merely a realist. In order to get speaking gigs, you are the one...
by Lois Creamer | Grow Your Speaking Business: Sales and Marketing, Lois Creamer's Blog, The Business of Speaking: Get Paid to Speak |
Are you ready? It’s time to play the association game! There are a lot of rules, so pay close attention. Some may be frustrating rules, but you’ll be better off if you always abide by these rules. (Trust me, I know from experience!) Why would I say frustrating? Truth...