When Clients Want to Record Your Presentation On the Spot

Have you noticed that many times when you go to give a presentation you find a client ready to record it without previously requesting permission? It’s happening more and more. What to do? We all know that we need a good quality video for promotional purposes, but …

You are in an intellectual property business, and you must do whatever you have to do to protect your ownership of your own property. Therefore, I suggest that you always be prepared for this situation. How can you be prepared?

Carry a taping agreement with you at all times. Put down a few restrictions on your letterhead and have it with you when you travel. Now, I’m not an attorney, but here is what I suggest you may want to include on a simple, non-lawyer-type agreement.

  • Client to provide you with a master copy of the video within ten days.
  • Video may not be sold in any manner or for any reason. (If anyone is going to sell the presentation and make money from it it’s going to be YOU!)
  • Video may be viewed by employees of the group that hired you only. No one else.
  • Video may be used in house for a period of a year, 3 months, 6 months (or whatever).
  • Video may be used by you as a marketing piece, product, to advertise, or in any way you wish to use it.

Simple? Yes! I want it to be simple and not seem too off-putting to your client.

When you have your copy of the video review it. Ask yourself:

  • Would it make a good digital product?
  • Would it make a good audio product?
  • Could you pull out clips that could be used to promote yourself on your website or on YouTube?

I think product is a terrific thing! Nothing like turning your computer to find that people have ordered products on your website! Love it!

Further, these days you really need to be in the product business. The days of using merely speaking for income are pretty much gone. So, be prepared! If you are, you will protect your rights and you may even make extra profit by having an agreement. At the very least, you will be positioning yourself as a professional!

Lois works with professional speakers who want to book more business, make more money and fully monetize their intellectual property! She can be reached in the following ways:

Email: Lois@BookMoreBusiness.com
Twitter: @loiscreamer
Phone: 314-374-4007
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BookMoreBusiness
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/loiscreamer
For more information on Lois’ business check out http://www.bookmorebusiness.com as well as http://www.bookmorebusiness.tv!
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